Cuomo aides subpoenaed by New York AG in sexual harassment investigation, report says

Top aide Melissa DeRosa is among those attorney general wants to question

Oliver O'Connell
New York
Saturday 27 March 2021 20:21 GMT
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo speaks during a news conference with Secretary to the Governor Melissa DeRosa
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo speaks during a news conference with Secretary to the Governor Melissa DeRosa (Getty Images)
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The New York state attorney general’s office has reportedly subpoenaed dozens of Cuomo administration staff in connection with the investigation into allegations of sexual harassment against the governor.

Staffers have been asked to produce documents as well as submit themselves for interviews, according to people familiar with the matter.

Reporting by The Wall Street Journal on Friday says that Andrew Cuomo’s top aide Melissa DeRosa is among those subpoenaed by AG Letitia James.

Ms DeRosa has worked for Mr Cuomo since 2013 and now holds the title of secretary to the governor. She has been at the centre of the state’s pandemic response.

The governor’s accusers told the Journal that they have been asked by investigators about their interactions with Ms DeRosa.

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She is said to be fiercely loyal to Mr Cuomo and is alleged to have berated journalists, officials, and lawmakers who have crossed the governor in the past.

It is unclear which other members of the administration have been subpoenaed by the attorney general’s office.

Paul Fishman, a lawyer for the Cuomo administration, said: “No one should be surprised that the AG’s office is issuing requests for documents and interviewing witnesses, including many who work for the governor.”

“That happens in every investigation, and it’s wildly premature to speculate what it means,” he added. “Good, thorough, and fair investigations take time.”

On Saturday, dozens of women gathered outside the governor’s Manhattan office calling for his resignation or impeachment in response to the allegations of sexual harassment levelled against him by multiple women.

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