US politician accused of racist Facebook post for the second time

Photo and caption criticised by Republicans and Democrats

James Crump
Thursday 14 May 2020 23:06 BST
Jim Lucas speaking in 2019
Jim Lucas speaking in 2019 ((Fox59 News - YouTube))

An Indiana state representative has been accused of posting a racist photo on Facebook – for the second time.

Jim Lucas, a Republican, who has served as a lawmaker in Indiana since 2012, posted a meme to his Facebook page, that showed black children in diapers dancing, with the post captioned: “We gon’ get free money!”

The meme was posted to Facebook hours before the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, revealed a new coronavirus aid package worth $3trn, including hazard pay for essential workers.

Democrat Jeannine Lee Lake, who is running against Greg Pence – older brother of vice-president and former Indiana governor Mike Pence – in the Indiana 6th Congressional District, said Mr Lucas’s post does not reflect the beliefs of the state.

Ms Lake, who is black, said: “It makes me want to cry. And that’s the truth. I’m just amazed. He’s a leader in our state. This is not Indiana. It’s not the best of Indiana, certainly. And it’s sickening.”

The post was also criticised by Jake Oakman, Indiana’s Republican spokesperson, who distanced the party from the comments.

“Anyone who has followed Jim Lucas for any amount of time knows he speaks only for himself. His views are entirely his alone,” he said.

Indiana house leader Todd Huston released a statement that echoed Mr Oakman’s criticism: “The post is unacceptable and I don’t condone it.”

Mr Lucas said he found the picture from a meme generator online, and felt that the language used reflected how people talk, according to the Associated Press.

The Republican added to the Indianapolis Star that he does not believe there is anything wrong with the image used.

“I don’t see anything wrong with it. People who want to find racism are going to find racism in anything,” he said.

Mr Lucas was also accused of racism last year, when he posted a picture of gallows with two nooses, under a story about a black man pleading guilty to rape.

At the time, the lawmaker said that he wanted capital punishment to be used for the man, Marquise Dozier, and added that he had previously used the picture when referring to white criminals.

He told Fox59 in Indiana: “If that’s how they view it, there is nothing I can do about it. That was not my intent.”

Additional reporting by Associated Press.

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