Trump uses White House reception with victorious St Louis Blues players to complain about impeachment and Pelosi

 ‘And by the way we just hit the greatest economy we’ve ever had – but let’s impeach the president, isn’t that a good idea,’ leader says

Vincent Wood
Wednesday 16 October 2019 13:42 BST
Donald Trump complains about impeachment during St Louis Blues Stanley Cup celebration

A White House reception for the St Louis Blues hockey team took a not entirely unexpected turn on Tuesday after Donald Trump quickly segued from the group's sporting successes to the ongoing efforts to remove him from office.

The Blues were invited to Washington to mark their achievements after beating the Toronto Maple Leafs to lift the NHL’s Stanley Cup trophy.

However, after less than two minutes of scripted praise for the team lined up behind him in the Rose Garden, Mr Trump began to segue on to politics – discussing the Turkish invasion of Syria, trade deals, and the impeachment hearings currently being led by house Democrats.

“China is happening”, he told the sportsmen as his speech moved away from their actions and onto his own, “Mexico-Canada is happening if they can ever get it approved – I doubt they will because it’s Nancy Pelosi. They’re too busy working on impeachment.”

He added: “And by the way we just hit the greatest economy we’ve ever had – but let’s impeach the president, isn’t that a good idea."

Turning to the players behind him, who had remained silent throughout his quips, he added: “I wouldn’t worry about it fellas. Don’t worry too much.”

Sporting ceremonies at the White House have been a flashpoint for the president throughout his tenure - leading to invitations being rescinded from the world cup winning Women’s football team and the Super Bowl winning Philadelphia Eagles.

In both instances ,players had publicly said they would not take part in a traditional Washington reception due to Mr Trump’s views and policies.

However the entire Blues team, as well as its owners and coaches, attended Tuesday’s event - with forward Jaden Schwarz, who Mr Trump referred to as "Jason", saying the visit was “something you’ll remember forever”.

“Being able to see the Oval Office and get a tour of the White House, it doesn't get much better than that,” he added.

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