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Clark Mindock
New York
,Joe Sommerlad
Monday 19 August 2019 16:37 BST
Donald Trump says Greenland would be a 'large real-estate deal'

Donald Trump has launched an extraordinary attack on Anthony Scaramucci, his short-lived communications director, branding him a “highly unstable nut job” and a “mental wreck” on Twitter.

The president and his advisers have meanwhile moved to reassure Americans over the state of the economy amid growing recession fears, with Mr Trump insisting: “We’re doing tremendously well. Our consumers are rich. I gave a tremendous tax cut and they’re loaded up with money.”

He is also facing further ridicule after confirming his interest in buying Greenland, telling reporters in New Jersey on Sunday: “Strategically it’s interesting and we’d be interested... It’s not number one on the burner, I can tell you that.”

The president has also stepped back from his position calling for background checks for gun sales, and has begun focusing once again on mental health's part in mass shootings. He has done before as well.

Mr Trump has also ramped up his claims that the 2016 election results were impacted by fraudulent efforts, this time going after Google and claiming the search engine flipped millions of votes in favour of Hillary Clinton.

In making the claim, Mr Trump cited a right-wing conspiracy website, Judicial Watch.

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The chairman of the Iowa Republican Party has called representative Steve King's comments about rape and incest "outrageous", adding to the avalanche of criticism the Republican politician is now facing.

"The Republican Party is the party of life — we're proud of that," said chairman Jeff Kaufmann, during an interview with The Hill.

"But in regards to the statements of population and where that population comes from, those comments are outrageous and that they are not reflective of the Republican Party of Iowa," he continued.

Clark Mindock19 August 2019 17:30

Donald Trump is trying to downplay the idea of an impending recession, but one-third of economists say they expect one next year, according to a new survey.

The poll, published on Monday, says that 38 per cent of economists surveyed by the National Association for Business Economics have forecasted a US recession sometimes next year, marking a 4 per cent decline from last year.

Another 34 per cent of respondents believe the recession will begin in 2021.

Clark Mindock19 August 2019 17:45

This is pretty iffy.

Joe Sommerlad19 August 2019 18:00

Donald Trump is now accusing Google of election fraud:

Clark Mindock19 August 2019 18:00

Elizabeth Warren, on the campaign in Iowa today, apologised to Native Americans for her past claims of Native American ancestry, saying "I have made mistakes".

Ms Warren was speaking at a forum for the group, and was reportedly met with a warm reception.

Clark Mindock19 August 2019 18:15

Not strictly US politics related, but an important news update in the US: the officer who killed Eric Garner with a chokehold in 2014 was fired this afternoon by the New York Police Department.

Here's our story on that decision:

Clark Mindock19 August 2019 18:30
Clark Mindock19 August 2019 18:48

Senator Kirstin Gillibrand is among those responding to the news that disgraced journalist Mark Halperin has struck a book deal, in which he interviewed Democratic strategists on how to beat Donald Trump in 2020.

Ms Gillibrand, who was among those to forcefully call for the resignation of former senator Al Franken over sexual misconduct allegations, said it is "not my place" to judge Mr Halperin, or those who submitted to interviews.

She said: "It’s a choice that any individual can make and they just make it. It starts with humility and a recognition that you acknowledge that you’ve done something wrong."

Clark Mindock19 August 2019 19:21

The Trump diaspora is really pushing the conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton received millions of illegal votes in 2016:

Clark Mindock19 August 2019 19:54

Here's a readout provided by the White House following Donald Trump's phone call with the leader of India:

Today, President Donald J. Trump spoke with Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India to discuss regional developments and the United States-India strategic partnership. The President conveyed the importance of reducing tensions between India and Pakistan and maintaining peace in the region. The two leaders further discussed how they will continue to strengthen United States-India economic ties through increased trade, and they look forward to meeting again soon.

Clark Mindock19 August 2019 20:09

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