Brett Kavanaugh vote: The men who voted to move judge's Supreme Court nomination forward

The vote went 11-10 in favour of Brett Kavanaugh

Lucy Anna Gray
New York
Saturday 29 September 2018 01:15 BST
Senate Judiciary Committee votes 11-10 to progress Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination

The Senate Judiciary Committee has approved Donald Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanugh to the Supreme Court for a final vote.

However, in a dramatic turn of events, Republican senator Jeff Flake demanded a week-long FBI investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct against Mr Kavanaugh.

Donald Trump later ordered the FBI to start another background investigation into Mr Kavanaugh, who denies the allegations.

This investigation request came after Jeff Flake voted ‘aye’ to moving Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination along, and he was not alone. The vote went 11-10 along party lines.

Here are all of the senators who voted in support of Brett Kavanaugh:

Ben Sasse, Nebraska

Chuck Grassley, Iowa

Jeff Flake, Arizona

John Cornyn, Texas

John Kennedy, Louisiana

Lindsey Graham, South Carolina

Mike Crapo, Idaho

Mike Lee, Utah

Orrin Hatch, Utah

Ted Cruz, Texas

Thom Tillis, North Carolina

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