Woman completes university exam while giving birth

 Tommitrise Collins passed her exam with a B grade and will graduate in December 2016

Alexandra Sims
Thursday 19 November 2015 16:35 GMT
Tommitrise Collins completing her exam while in labour
Tommitrise Collins completing her exam while in labour (Shanell Brinkley Chapman/ Facebook)

A woman has been described as “strong” and “amazing” after completing a university exam while giving birth.

Tommitrise Collins completed the online test after going into labour at Cliseum Medical Centre in Macon, Georgia.

The 21-year-old told Fox 5 she was only able to take the test on that day.

“It took me four to five hours after opening the test to try and put the pain to the side and do it, so I wouldn’t have to do it later and could enjoy my newborn,” Ms Collins said.

Tommitrise Collins and her newborn daughter Tyler Elise Shanell Brinkley Chapman/ Facebook
Tommitrise Collins and her newborn daughter Tyler Elise Shanell Brinkley Chapman/ Facebook (Shanell Brinkley Chapman/ Facebook)

The Middle Georgia State University student finished the exam in under two-hours and passed with a B grade.

Her sister, Shanell Brinkley Chapman, posted a picture of the feat on Facebook saying: “This is what you call ‘Strong Priorities’.

“Contractions three minutes apart and still takes her psychology test! You are going to be a great mom baby sis.”

The post has been shared more than 15,000 times on social media and received hundreds of likes.

Ms Collins gave birth to a baby girl named Tyler Elise, weighing seven pounds and ten ounces, after 20 hours of labour.

This is what you call "Strong Priorities". Contractions 3 minutes apart and still takes her Psychology Test! You are going to be a great Mom baby sis!

Posted by Shanell Brinkley-Chapman on Thursday, 12 November 2015

The AMAZING strength of a woman!! Great Job sis! Love you! Tyler Elise

Posted by Shanell Brinkley-Chapman on Thursday, 12 November 2015

She will graduate in December 2016 with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, her second degree after completing an associate’s degree in the same subject, according to USA Today.

The new mother told Fox 5: “She will always have me to depend on so my goals will not be put on hold.

“I want my child to live comfortably.”

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