Donald Trump 'could visit demilitarised zone' between North and South Korea

'Aides are making the relevant preparations,' source claims

Jon Sharman
Tuesday 10 October 2017 11:08 BST
South Korean soldiers patrol along the demilitarised zone between South and North in Yanggu, north of Seoul
South Korean soldiers patrol along the demilitarised zone between South and North in Yanggu, north of Seoul (AP)

Donald Trump may be planning to visit the demilitarised zone (DMZ) separating North and South Korea, it has been claimed.

The rumoured tour would come during his November visit to the South, according to a source quoted by the Yonhap news agency.

A White House reconnaissance team scouted potential destinations including “around Panmunjom and Observation Post Ouellette,” the source said.

“Trump will likely do something like that and his aides are making the relevant preparations,” they added.

Mr Trump is due to visit Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines, as well as Hawaii, in less than two weeks next month.

His predecessor, Barack Obama, visited Observation Post Ouellette in 2012, peering into North Korea through bulletproof glass and a pair of binoculars.

The visit will come after Mr Trump signalled he believed “only one thing will work” to curb the North’s nuclear ambitions.

He told Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to “save your energy”, after the US’ top diplomat said his country maintained channels of communication with Pyongyang despite heightened tensions.

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