US President trumps Abe by upending box of food into Tokyo palace koi carp pond

Donald Trump got carried away and turned over his wooden container during the act of bonding at the Akasaka Palace with Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe

Jeff Farrell
Monday 06 November 2017 10:19 GMT
Donald Trump tramples over fish-feeding ritual by chucking entire box into pond

Donald Trump upended a box of fish food into a pond of koi carp during a ritual designed to welcome visiting guests at the Akasaka Palace in Tokyo.

The US President joined Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe in feeding the valuable fish by spooning food from a box during the ceremony.

Mr Abe finished by flicking the remaining food in his box into the pond, whereupon Mr Trump upended his with a grin.

Fish lovers gagged at the sight and wondered had Mr Trump left the koi carp — which cannot eat a large volume of food — sick or even killed them.

Twitter users said the US President had gone a step too far when he was seemingly only trying to follow Mr Abe's lead.

Lindsay Beyerstein wrote: “Trump murders beloved koi by overfeeding. It's not a Las Vegas buffet, you moron. They suffocate on the extra food!”

Sandra K Eckersley wrote: “Idiot #Trump dumps entire box of fish food in delicate Koi fish pond.”

SV Taylor posted: “Oh Dear God! Everything Trump touches dies” Gonna be a slaughter of Koi fish!”

But Ruben Rosario focused on how Mr Trump had potentially damaged this symbolic act with Mr Abe.

He posted: “Do I have to explain how F**ked up what TRUMP did to the KOI Fish IS? The KOI Fish Ceremony dates back to the days of Buddha an is Considered a source of Good Luck. To rush this is Highly Disrespectful.”

A website for fish experts and lovers - Aquascape - gives advice warning owners of koi carp not to give them too much food.

It read: “Overfeeding occurs anytime the fish are eating more than they need. This can make your fish sick.”

Mr Trump jetted into Japan during his 13-day diplomatic trek through Asia. He will next head to Korea, Vietnam and the Philippines during his five-nation tour of the region.

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