Former Mexican president mocks Donald Trump over golf holiday: 'If you're not happy with job, just leave'

Mr Trump has spent 58 days out of his first 195 at the properties he owns

Fiona Keating
Sunday 06 August 2017 08:12 BST
Former Mexican president Vicente Fox often uses social media to taunt Trump
Former Mexican president Vicente Fox often uses social media to taunt Trump (Getty Images)

Vicente Fox, Mexico’s former president, has questioned US President Donald Trump on his extended vacation, saying he should leave office if he is unhappy.

Mr Trump left the White House on Friday just before 4pm, flying to his New Jersey golf club resort to start his 17-day holiday. It is his first long absence from Washington since being elected US president.

Fox tweeted: “[L]eaving on vacation, huh? What for? If you're not happy with your job, just leave. After all, it was never for you."

The former Mexican president is an outspoken critic of Mr Trump. One of his most strongly worded comments regarded Mexico paying for a wall along the US-Mexico border.

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"You can use my words. We will never pay for that f****** wall," he told CNN.

"Who can think about a country paying for a wall that is going to be built in the neighbour's territory? Or why should Mexico pay for a wall? What's the reason?" he continued. "We don't need a wall."

Fox also uses his Twitter account to attack the US president’s ratings. Mr Trump’s popularity is at an all-time low. A recent poll from Quinnipiac University found that only 33 per cent of American voters approve of his performance in office, while 61 per cent were against him. This marks his lowest approval and highest disapproval number since elected.

“Hey Trump, I'm watching this really bad reality TV show with low ratings called Survivor White House,” tweeted Fox. “I can't change the channel. Sad!”

Mr Trump broke with tradition by not holding a press conference before leaving on Friday. The White House said his 17-day absence was a “working vacation”.

According to NBC News, Mr Trump has spent 58 days out of his first 195 at the properties he owns; 44 days at golf properties. The current US president has attacked his predecessor Mr Obama, tweeting: “Can you believe that, with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf.”

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