Greeks upset by Alexander the bisexual

Elinda Labropoulou
Tuesday 23 November 2004 01:00 GMT

Greek lawyers are threatening to sue the Hollywood makers of the new film Alexander the Great for depicting the king as bisexual. Oliver Stone's casting of Colin Farrell as a bottle blond has sparked a backlash from traditionalists.

Greek lawyers are threatening to sue the Hollywood makers of the new film Alexander the Great for depicting the king as bisexual. Oliver Stone's casting of Colin Farrell as a bottle blond has sparked a backlash from traditionalists.

"This is pure fiction and not a depiction of Alexander," said Yiannis Varnakos, a lawyer. He is demanding that the film-makers add an opening credit stressing that the Hollywood account is fictional.

Mr Stone says he had a historian on the set to ensure the accuracy of such scenes as Alexander embracing his best friend, Hephaestion. The film opens in Greece next month.

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