Kinder chocolate 'contain dangerous levels of likely carcinogens'

The European Food Safety authority calls the chemical found in the chocolate as 'likely carcinogenic and mutagenic'

Wednesday 20 July 2016 13:52 BST
The German watchdog say they asked Kinder to recall the chocolate bars but it refused
The German watchdog say they asked Kinder to recall the chocolate bars but it refused (Wikimedia commons / A Kniesel)

A German food watchdog has called for Kinder chocolate bars, as well as other foods, to be recalled after tests found they contain dangerous levels of what have been described as "likely carcinogens".

Foodwatch said that mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAHs), which are created when oil is refined, have been found in the products.

The watchdog tested 20 different products and found three with what it said were “dangerous” levels of the oil byproduct.

Foodwatch has since asked that Ferrero’s Kinder Riegel chocolate bar, Lindt’s Fioretto Nougat Minis and one other German product be taken off sale.

In a statement on their website, the watchdog said: “Foodwatch had the the producers concerned informed in advance about the test results and called for a public recall.

“They refused, however, to remove products from sale.

The European Food Safety authority describes MOAHs as "likely carcinogenic and mutagenic".

Johannes Heeg, from Foodwatch, said: "Instead of clearing the candy from the shelves and alerting consumers, they [say]... that everything was undertaken legally."

Speaking to the German edition of The Local, Mr Heeg said: "You can't see it, you can't taste it, but it's in there

"We recommend not purchasing these products because the levels are simply unacceptable for consumption."

The Association of the German Confectionary Agency last week issued a statement that the levels of MOAHs that Foodwatch found could "be consumed without concern".

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The Independent has contacted Kinder for comment.

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