Paris attacks: Survivors share eyewitness accounts of deadly attack in concert hall

Justin Carissimo
Saturday 14 November 2015 04:14 GMT

"I was on the first floor of the venue. And I was with a friend and we were in the middle of a concert listening to the music, having a good time, and then all of a sudden we heard gun shots."

Jenny Watson was on the first floor of Le Bataclan Concert Hall, listening to Eagles of Death Metal when three attackers with assault rifles entered the venue.

"They were quite high pitched; at first I thought it was a joke on behalf of the band. I thought they were maybe playing a joke on us. And I didn’t actually believe it," she told local outlet France24. "And the shots kept going and going and going, and people started screaming and people started ducking, you know, hiding behind the seats and the chairs. And that’s when we realized we had to get out."

More than 150 people were murdered on Friday during a string of attacks throughout eastern Paris. Hostages were taken inside the venue, but Ms Watson and many others escaped through the safety exit.

"We were in the stairwell… and they opened the doors... and we all ran out in the middle of the street escaping for our safety... I saw a few people down, I saw some blood, I saw someone who was shot in the leg. But I don’t think I saw anyone properly down, but it was quite horrible. I’m only realizing it now to be honest."

Police rushed the building after some time, as the men killed more than 100 of the hostages inside. They would ultimately kill the attackers, along with two others who attacked the capital.

Marc Coupris, another witness, said the he was sure that he would be killed.

"It was carnage. It looked like a battlefield. There was blood everywhere. There were bodies everywhere. I was at the far side of the hall when shooting began. There seemed to be at least two gunmen," he told the Guardian. "They shot from the balcony. I saw my final hour unfurl before me, I thought this was the end. I thought I'm finished, I'm finished. I was terrified. We must all have thought the same. Eventually, when a few gendarmes came in slowly we began to look up and there was blood absolutely everywhere. The police told us to run."

Julien Pierce said that the attack lasted ten to 15 minutes.

“Two or three people, unmasked, started shooting Kalachikov-type rifles blindly into the crowd," he told Europe 1 radio. "It lasted for ten or 15 minutes. It was very violent. People surged towards the stage. People were trampled. The gunmen seemed very young.”

Julien Pearce, told CNN that the scene lasted 10 horrific minutes.

"It was a bloodbath. People yelled, screamed. It lasted for 10 minutes," she said. "Ten horrific minutes where everybody was on the floor covering their head. They didn't shout anything. They were shooting people on the floor."

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