Boat with hundreds of refugees on board arrives at Spanish port after being turned away by other European countries

The Aquarius and the 629 migrants aboard were turned away by both Italy and Malta

Oliver Wheaton
Sunday 17 June 2018 10:11 BST
Migrants arrive in Spain after being turned away from Italy and Malta

The first boat carrying hundreds of people picked up in Mediterranean rescue missions has arrived in the Spanish port of Valencia after being turned away from Italy and Malta.

The Aquarius ship is the first of three vessels that have been accepted by the Spanish government after being stranded at sea for almost a week.

Health officials and interpreters could be seen helping people, many of whom were rescued while trying to cross from Libya to Europe, as they disembarked this morning.

Sanctuary was offered to the vessel by Spain's new socialist prime minister Pedro Sánchez after political disputes within the governments of Italy and Malta left the boat without a place to dock.

Mr Sánchez, who has only been in office for two weeks, said: "It is our duty to help avoid a humanitarian catastrophe and offer a safe port to these people, to comply with our human rights obligations."

David Noguera, head of Doctors Without Borders in Spain, said he has "mixed feelings" about the vessel docking, as it doesn't necessarily spell the end of European countries closing their ports to rescue ships.

He said: "I am happy that the journey is over, a journey that was too long, and I am worried for the situation in the Mediterranean and the closing of European ports."

Spanish authorities say they will be examining the migrants case-by-case to see if they qualify for asylum, however added that the boat's passengers will be granted "special authorisation" to remain in the country for at least one month due to the ordeal they have faced over the past week.

Doctors Without Borders reported last week that the Aquarius was carrying 629 people, including 123 unaccompanied minors and seven pregnant women.

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The vessel was turned away from Italian ports after Matteo Salvini, the country's interior minister and leader of far-right party Lega Nord (Northern League), said Italy will say "no to the business of illegal immigration".

In response to Mr Salvini's hardline stance, the mayor of Sicilian city Palermo, Leoluca Orlando, said he will be going against orders and allowing the refugees to disembark in the city's port.

While a tense standoff between Palermo's port and the Italian coastguard was expected, the situation was quickly diffused when the Spanish government announced its intention to accept the rescue vessels.

Associated Press contributed to this report

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