Russia election: Video appears to show ballot box stuffing in Moscow polling booth

Elections Commission confirms two cases of ballot-stuffing but claims cases are isolated

Oliver Carroll
Monday 19 March 2018 17:25 GMT
Russia election: Video appears to show ballot box stuffing in Moscow polling booth

Vladimir Putin claimed a resounding victory in Sunday's election, taking more than 76 per cent of the vote from a turnout of 67.5 per cent. Observers believe it was the cleanest election in Russia for over a decade, but there was still some evidence of serious violations, from ballot box stuffing to altered final result protocols.

One video was recorded in a polling station in Lyubertsy, Moscow. It shows three different people lifting what appear to be ballot papers, checking to see if anyone is watching, and placing the sheets into a ballot box. It’s not known how many papers were placed in the box each time; however, on a number of occasions, the officials seem to be lifting multiple sheets. This happens a total of 11 times over approximately 13 minutes.

Other incidents were also captured on camera, including in one monastery where nuns were recorded ticking boxes before handing ballot papers to their sisters to perform their holy duty. In several polling stations, video cameras seemed to have been deliberately covered – with balloons, retractable walls, and curtains.

The Elections Commission confirmed two cases of ballot-stuffing in Moscow and the Moscow region. The Commission says it cancelled all the votes contained in both instances, and claims that the cases were isolated.

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