Vladimir Putin decrees sanctions on Turkey after downing Russian jet

Charter flights between Russia and Turkey will also cease

Nadia Beard
Saturday 28 November 2015 22:46 GMT
Vladimir Putin has signed a decree imposing a number of sanctions against Turkey
Vladimir Putin has signed a decree imposing a number of sanctions against Turkey (Reuters)

Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, has signed a decree imposing a number of sanctions against Turkey, including a restriction on the use of Turkish labour in Russia and a ban on the import of Turkish goods, in the wake of Turkey’s downing of a Russian warplane.

Charter flights between Russia and Turkey will also cease.

An exact list detailing which goods and services will be hit by the sanctions has yet to be finalised by the Kremlin.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev is expected to sign a government decree specifying the economic measures in the next few days.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev expected to sign a government decree specifying the economic measures in the next few days
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev expected to sign a government decree specifying the economic measures in the next few days (AFP)

The suspension of visa-free travel between the two countries and the restriction on employing Turkish workers will take effect from 1 January 2016. Russia has also mandated an increase in port controls on the Black and Azov seas.

The decree was published on the Kremlin’s website, hours after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan voiced regret over the incident, saying his country was “truly saddened” by the event.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

 President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

It was the first expression of regret since the incident on 24 November, in which Turkish F-16s shot down the Russian Su-24 jet on the grounds that it had violated Turkey’s airspace, despite repeated warnings.

“I hope that something like this doesn’t occur again,” Mr Erdogan said.

Addressing supporters in the western city of Balikesir, he said neither country should allow the incident to escalate and take a destructive form that would lead to “saddening consequences”.

However, Mr Erdogan’s friendly overture came after he again vigorously defended Turkey’s action and criticised Russia for its operations in Syria. Mr Putin has denounced the Turkish action as a “treacherous stab in the back”. He has also refused to take telephone calls from Mr Erdogan.

Additional reporting by AP

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