Football shirt couture: A sport-fashion fusion

Matilda Battersby
Friday 12 February 2010 14:33 GMT

The sports-luxe look may be all the rage on the catwalk right now, but few designers are prepared to make sport and fashion such close bedfellows as Angy Morton, whose latest range of couture gowns is made from Premier League football shirts.

The unmistakeable logos, colours and fabrics have been twisted and stitched into classic evening gown shapes, affixed with lace and adorned with chiffon, making them a lot less practical and probably a lot pricier than the original garments.

Russell Brand’s American pop-singer girlfriend Katy Perry titillated MTV viewers when she supported her man’s West Ham allegiance by wearing a saucier version of the maroon and blue strip while presenting the European Music Awards last November.

“Since Perry wore that West Ham strip I reckon a lot of men have been wishing their girlfriends would dress like that,” remarked The Independent’s sports correspondent Simon Rice.

If he’s right then it won't be long before Morton’s ‘Stolen Dreams’ collection of 19 couture dresses representing 16 UK football teams is snapped up and strutted in by the WAGs.

Morton will be showcasing alongside Lida O'Reilly and Anh Tuan at the La Geneve North Events End of London Fashion Week show at Jalouse on Wednesday 24 February

See the collection by clicking here or on the image above

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