Arsene Wenger protest: Arsenal fans plan demonstration after he blames supporters

Arsenal boss said 'very difficult climate' at home had cost his side the title

Tom Sheen
Saturday 30 April 2016 11:51 BST

Angry Arsenal fans were believed to be organising a mass protest against manager Arsene Wenger after his comments angered a large section of the club's support on Friday.

The French manager, who last won the Premier League title 12 years ago and has not finished in the top two since 2005, appeared to blame supporters for costing the Gunners the title this season.

Arsenal had been top of the table on New Year's Day but have won just six of their 15 matches since to fall to their current position of fourth, 12 points off surprise leaders Leicester City.

Speaking on Friday Wenger put a large portion of the blame at the door of the supporters, stating: "When a club cannot enjoy anything anymore, it's in trouble.

"We have to stick together. We lost the championship at home against the lower teams, but we played at home in a very difficult climate. We have to realise that, away from home, we are championship winners. At home, against the smaller teams, we lost the league."

In fact, Arsenal have only been the third best team away from home in the division this season, collecting seven fewer points on the road than Claudio Ranieri's Foxes.

His comments sparked a furious reaction on social media, with 'WengerOut' quickly picking up traction. An anti-Wenger protest is also being planned at the Emirates when the Gunners play Norwich City later on Saturday, although it is unclear how successful it will be.

What was clear was that numerous supporters voiced their concerns:

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