Terry quashes Manchester City rumours

Monday 16 February 2009 11:24 GMT

John Terry last night quashed any lingering hopes Manchester City may have had of taking him to Eastlands by insisting he never wants to leave Chelsea.

City made an enquiry about Terry before the winter transfer window opened, Chelsea have confirmed.

That might underline the scale of City's ambition, but Terry sees no problem at Stamford Bridge in terms of future trophy-winning potential.

And the 28-year-old captain of Chelsea and England, who came through the youth ranks in west London, is adamant he will remain a one-club player.

He is determined to give everything for new boss Guus Hiddink, who saw Chelsea - minus the suspended Terry - secure a place in the FA Cup quarter-finals by beating Watford on Saturday.

Terry was kept informed by Chelsea about City's interest, and said: "I was very happy with their reaction as mine would have been the same.

"I have always said that I want to end my career at the club which I love and we all see no reason why that cannot happen.

"Given recent events I am more determined than ever to make Chelsea successful again."

Chelsea are likely to sell players in the summer in order to fund new signings, after their latest accounts showed a loss of almost £66m.

But they are adamant Terry represents everything positive about the club and insist he will not be sacrificed for the sake of bringing in fresh faces.

Chief executive Peter Kenyon told City, now backed by billionaire Arab owners, there was no chance of them landing Terry.

City turned their attentions to AC Milan's Kaka, only for their bumper bid for the Brazilian to fail.

Kenyon said: "We made it very clear that John was not for sale. We did not entertain any further conversation on the subject and nor will we in the future.

"John is our captain and the captain of England. He is part of the heart and soul of Chelsea."

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