Amateur rugby player celebrates try too early, gets severely punished

Hilarious footage caught on camera 

Simon Rice
Wednesday 13 January 2016 14:18 GMT
Brixham rugby club: failed try

Any rugby player, professional or amateur, will tell you there's nothing like the feeling of crossing the line to score a try.

But what about that feeling if you only think you've crossed the line? For Tom McLean, it looked pretty painful.

The amateur was playing for his local side Brixham in Devon when he intercepted a pass and charged towards the try line. Sprinting over the muddy ground, Tom eluded a last ditch tackle and dived forward to put the ball down to 'score'. Delighted with his 'try', Tom then celebrated by turning around and pumping his fist to the air.

However, Tom hadn't dived over the try line but the five-metre line before it.

Whilst the failure to score was unfortunate for Tom, what happened next was probably worse. With the opposition realising the ball was still in play, a confused and unguarded Tom was tackled by two players in quick succession in a passage of play that looked rather painful.

The hilarious footage of filmed by Brixham coach Barry Thomas.

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