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Australian Open 2022 LIVE result: Ashleigh Barty defeats Danielle Collins to clinch title

Relive all the action as Barty ended Australia’s 44-year wait for a singles champion on home soil

Tom Kershaw
Saturday 29 January 2022 10:49 GMT
Ashleigh Barty poses with the Australian Open trophy
Ashleigh Barty poses with the Australian Open trophy (Getty)

Ashleigh Barty brilliantly fulfilled her country’s expectations by defeating Danielle Collins to become the first home player for 44 years to win an Australian Open singles title.

The world number one recovered from 5-1 down in the second set to clinch a 6-3 7-6 (2) victory over first-time grand slam finalist Collins and claim her third grand slam title.

She ends the long reign of 1978 champion Chris O’Neil as the last home winner of the women’s or men’s singles and, by maintaining her perfect record in slam finals, becomes the only active player other than Serena Williams to have won major titles on three different surfaces.

Having shrugged off the pressure to breeze through to the final, Barty had to use all her competitive instincts to overcome 30th-ranked American Collins, who brought the best out of her opponent in a terrific second set.

Barty now just needs the US Open to complete a career Grand Slam having won the French Open in 2019 and Wimbledon last summer, and it seems clear that women’s tennis has found its consistent champion.

Relive all the action from the women’s final below:


Australian Open 2022: Barty 6-6 Collins

An ace gets Barty off to a great start but Collins then throws everything at the second serve. She forces two errors and the pressure is on at 15-30. Barty is more than equal to it, though. Two service winners seal the hold. We’re heading to a tie-break.

Tom Kershaw29 January 2022 10:07

Australian Open 2022: Barty 5-6 Collins

Collins is under pressure at 0-15 but times a backhand winner to perfection before matching Barty blow-for-blow in a long rally. It’s the Australian who blinks first, with Collins able to deflect that low, skidding slice, and Barty then produces a weak forehand that catches the net. Collins holds. Barty will now serve to take this set into a tie-break.

Tom Kershaw29 January 2022 10:04

Australian Open 2022: Barty 5-5 Collins

And now this is something more like the Barty we’re used to seeing. After breaking Collins down in a long rally, she then delivers a service winner and a great forehand that the American doesn’t even attempt to chase. Collins tries to slow the pace of the game, taking time between points, but that tactic brings few rewards. An ace seals the hold. That’s Barty’s fourth game in succession.

Tom Kershaw29 January 2022 10:00

Australian Open 2022: Barty 4-5 Collins

Collins has a word with the umpire at the start of the game, but it’s not clear why as of yet. There are few immediate signs of a problem, though, as she moves to 30-0 as Barty makes more uncharacteristic errors. The Australian then comes fighting back, though. She attacks Collins’ second serve and then unleashes two huge forehands to bring up break point. Collins complains to the umpire about noise during the points before sending a backhand into the net. From 5-1 down, we’re back on serve in the second set!

Tom Kershaw29 January 2022 09:55

Australian Open 2022: Barty 3-5 Collins

Barty races to 40-0 after a poor Collins backhand, an ace, and a forehand winner. Collins fight back to 30, though, forcing Barty into a pair of errors on her backhand. A weak Collins forehand then hands over the game. The American will have a second chance to serve out this second set.

Tom Kershaw29 January 2022 09:52

Australian Open 2022: Barty 2-5 Collins

Barty finds two great forehand winners to put Collins under a little pressure at 15-30, but having taken the ascendancy in the next rally she strays long again. It’s Collins who wobbles next, though, as a backhand error brings up break point. Barty attacks the second serve and Collins can’t respond. Barty gets one of the breaks back!

Tom Kershaw29 January 2022 09:46

Australian Open 2022: Barty 1-5 Collins

If Barty’s nerves weren’t already obvious, she starts the game with a double fault. She then takes a drive volley too late to make it 15-30 before another double coughs up two break points. A really timid Barty backhand slice limps into the net and Collins breaks again!

The world No 1 really needs a spark to get out of this slump because we’re almost certainly heading for a deciding set.

Tom Kershaw29 January 2022 09:43

Australian Open 2022: Barty 1-4 Collins

Collins is playing fantastically now, pumping her fists and shouting every time she comes out on top in a tense rally. There’s a hint of a wobble at 30-0 after an unforced backhand error but then two magnificent forehand winners seal the hold. She hits those shots with such confidence and Barty is struggling to find an answer right now.

Tom Kershaw29 January 2022 09:41

Australian Open 2022: Barty 1-3 Collins

Barty holds off the tide with a fine service game to love. A great backhand winner seals it.

Tom Kershaw29 January 2022 09:37

Australian Open 2022: Barty 0-3 Collins

A huge hold for Collins in a five-minute game. She faced a first break point at 30-40 after a pair of unforced backhand errors but managed to draw a mistake from Barty to alleviate the danger. She soon faces another though and, while Collins does brilliantly to keep the ball in play from well behind the baseline, Barty misses what would normally be a simple backhand volley to break. Collins takes full advantage, holds, and roars loudly again. The momentum has really turned.

Tom Kershaw29 January 2022 09:36

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