You Write the Caption - 06/07/12

Win a bottle of wine

Friday 06 July 2012 14:03 BST
Passer by: "Don't sulk - I've put the bell back on." (06/07/12) To enter the current caption competition, click here.
Passer by: "Don't sulk - I've put the bell back on." (06/07/12) To enter the current caption competition, click here.

Passer by: "Don't sulk - I've put the bell back on."

Congratulations to Daniel Morland for the winning caption, above.

The winner will be contacted by personal message through whichever social networking site they used to comment. Terms and conditions apply.

Just for your information, here's the real caption: Great Britain's Mark Cavendish reacts on the ground after a crash at the end of the fourth stage of the 2012 Tour de France cycling race starting in Abbeville and finishing in Rouen, northwestern France, on July 4, 2012. (JOEL SAGET/AFP/GettyImages)

Click here to see last week's caption competition.

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