Tim Peake sends Christmas video message from International Space Station

British astronaut Tim Peake alongside his fellow astronauts have posted a festive message for friends and family back home on Earth.

Ryan Ramgobin
Tuesday 22 December 2015 12:43 GMT
Happy Holidays from The International Space Station

Major Tim Peake and his fellow astronauts have posted a festive message from the International Space Station to friends and family back home on Earth.

Colonel Tim Kopra commented: “First off we would like to say how much of a privilege it is to serve on the International Space Station, and how grateful we are to the teams on the ground that support our flying here, as well as all the sciences on board this laboratory.”

Tim Peake delivers Christmas video message from International Space Station
Tim Peake delivers Christmas video message from International Space Station

Major Peake wished his loved ones well: “Christmas is traditionally a time for friends and families to get together; and although we can’t be with our friends and family this year, we will be orbiting 16 times on Christmas Day and sending all our good wishes to everybody back down on beautiful planet Earth.”

Commander Scott Kelly concluded the message: “Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and happy new year from the International Space Station.”

Tim Peake delivers Christmas video message from International Space Station
Tim Peake delivers Christmas video message from International Space Station

The video ends with the astronauts performing a quick spin in zero gravity before waving home.

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