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Travel questions

Why is the fare to Greece cheaper than flying back?

Simon Calder answers your questions on airfares, chaos in Catania and Doncaster Sheffield airport

Tuesday 19 September 2023 12:32 BST
It could cost more than £230 to fly back from Rhodes after the airlines end their summer season
It could cost more than £230 to fly back from Rhodes after the airlines end their summer season (AFP/Getty)

Q I am now in the happy position of being able to travel outside the normal school holidays. I am keen on a five-day trip to the Greek islands (ideally Rhodes) at the very end of October. I would travel out on Saturday 28 October, the day that many families are coming back after half-term, returning on Thursday 2 November.

The airfares going out from the London airports seem extremely low, with lots of choice. But coming back there only seems to be one flight all day, and it costs many times more. What’s going on?

Megan D

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