Airline passenger criticised for dumping inflight meal in plane aisle

‘That’s literally an emergency hazard!’ comments social media user

Travel Desk
Wednesday 11 August 2021 13:13 BST
Related video: Airlines have reported more incidents in 2021 than in 2019 and 2020 combined
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A picture of an airline passenger who dumped their rubbish-loaded inflight meal tray in the plane aisle has drawn criticism.

The photo shows the traveller’s tray on the floor, loaded with an uneaten baguette and empty cups and containers, with the area around it covered in tissue, bits of plastic and other rubbish.

It was uploaded to Reddit with the caption: “Man dumps his food into the aisle after he ate what he wants”.

The anonymous male passenger’s actions drew the ire of Reddit users.

Commenter calls mess a ‘hazard'
Commenter calls mess a ‘hazard' (Reddit/Headleygamy)

“That's literally an emergency hazard!” wrote one.

“As someone who flies (‘flew’ cause Covid) a lot, this makes me feel so angry. How can he be so entitled?”

Another commented: “That should be an automatic add to the no-fly list.”

It follows numerous examples of bad behaviour from travellers on aircraft in recent months.

Earlier this month, a passenger on a Frontier Airlines flight was duct-taped to his chair after allegedly punching a male flight attendant and groping female members of the crew, yelling obscenities, and walking around the plane with his shirt off.

WPVI-TV in Philadelphia reported that 22-year-old Maxwell Berry from Norwalk, Ohio was arrested after his flight from Philadelphia landed in Miami on Saturday.

Mr Berry had two drinks on the plane and used his empty cup to touch the backside of a female crew member. He reportedly spilt his third drink on his shirt and went to the restroom – later coming out shirtless.

After being helped by one of the flight attendants to get a new shirt from his carry-on, he walked around the plane for 15 minutes before groping the chests of several women on the flight crew.

A male flight attendant approached Mr Berry’s seat, at which point Mr Berry allegedly punched the crew member in the face.

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