Rose McGowan calls Democrats a ‘cult’ opposed to ‘changing the world for the better’

‘I find the Democrats are really, pretty much almost against all the same things,’ actor says

Peony Hirwani
Tuesday 27 April 2021 08:47 BST
Democrats are against changing the world for the better, says Rose McGowan
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Actor and activist Rose McGowan has claimed Democrats are in a “deep cult” and “they’re against changing the world for the better,”

During a Fox News Primetime interview, McGowan started out by sharing a story of how she grew up in a cult called “Children of God” that she claims gave her the ability “to see the control and propaganda on the left for what it is and how it harms people.”

She told host Tammy Bruce: “I am not here to make people feel bad about their political choices.

“But I am here to say that you might be in a cult too if you don’t know the signs. And I do believe Democrats, most especially, are in a deep cult that they really don’t know about and aren’t really aware of.”

The 47-year-old star added: “I find the Democrats are really, pretty much almost against all the same things.

“They’re against changing the world for the better and they’re for keeping a system in place that is for so few people and benefits so few but they masquerade as the helpers.”

McGowan said she has had the opportunity to recuperate and perceive the sort of contorted manner of speaking she upheld as a Democrat.

“My persecution and awakening from being a Democrat was so much about what I do and what I say now and so much about realizing how hardcore of a cult it is,” she said.

The Scream actor likewise suggested viewers make a rundown of all that they believe in and why.

She said: “What part of it is organic to you and what part has been implanted either by Hollywood, or the media, or your leaders?

“What part of it is truly yours? What’s organic to you? And see what’s the polyester and pull it out of your fabric. We have to examine what we believe and why.”

“Look at your own belief systems and get free,” she added.

It was not the first time McCowan has compared the Democrats to a cult.

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In 2020, when Joe Biden was assumed as the Democratic party’s presidential candidate, the actor shared a picture of herself crying on Twitter with the caption: “I’m really sad, and I’m really tired. I normally share thoughts, but tonight it’s emotion.”

She wrote: “I thought democracy meant I had a right to choose those who lined up with my value system. But what if there’s no one? Now I know too much. And I feel really quite a sense of loss tonight.”

She continued: “I am not a cynical person, but America goddamn. Republicans have always been painted as the bad guys, and I’ve always seen them more as a cult, but now I realise so are the Democrats and the media. Macro and Micro.”

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