i Editor's Letter: Some of your latest ideas for improving i


Oliver Duff
Thursday 19 February 2015 01:00 GMT

I’m overwhelmed by the response to the last couple of letters. It took me hours last night to go through the latest tranche, about 600. Please keep them coming! We learn most from your correspondence: i@independent.co.uk. We don’t want to meddle with i’s formula, so the challenge is how can we fit a few more of the things you want into the same size paper, without messing up what you already like through unnecessary changes. Here are some of your latest ideas:

1. “A weekly TV guide in Saturday’s edition.” Gill Kirkham.

2. “One human interest story every day that lifts the spirit or amazes or throws some light into extraordinary or crazy behaviours in our midst. Something funny is the best medicine of course.” David Breen, Dumfries.

3. A science section. Chris Povan.

4. “More day-to-day racing coverage.” Liz Byfield.

5. “A more extensive politics section as the election fast approaches.” Rob Wildey, Bromsgrove.

6. “More news and less features.” Keith Mortimer, Trowbridge.

7. “Address the omission of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland when it comes to statistics or reports.” Paul Carde, Cardiff. I rarely lose my rag, but the use of ‘nation’ or ‘country’ in our reporting when the correspondent actually means ‘England’ is guaranteed to set me off. Where a single country features, we try to provide context from other home nations.

8. “Keep the number of letters at least as high as it is.” Lynne Bulmer.

9. “Better coverage of Scottish politics/sports.” David Steele.

10. “Expand the measly book page to at least two pages.” Geoff Boon.


I lost my keys on Tuesday. Not for the first time. On previous occasions they’ve been found buried in newspapers on my desk. This time, though, no such luck. My colleagues expressed concern I might sleep on a park bench.

A young councillor in Queen’s Park, Ryan Dalton, 24, spotted them in the street where I’d gormlessly dropped them. He found my name on a memory stick on the keyring, searched for me online, found me on Twitter, messaged me, then dropped the keys at my house late that night. Way beyond the call of duty – and the sort of thing that affirms your faith in humanity. There are many more Ryans out there.


Twitter.com: @olyduff

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