If Boris Johnson is hoping that the current crises will blow over, he’s out of luck

Editorial: Many of Johnson’s erstwhile supporters regard him now as a incompetent disappointment at best and an incompetent socialist at worst

Friday 10 December 2021 21:30 GMT
11 December 2021
11 December 2021 (Dave Brown )

Like a toddler who’s been told Santa is bringing them a Peppa Pig playset, Boris Johnson can’t wait for Christmas. Obviously he will be looking forward to being in the bosom of friends and family, his new daughter on his lap, his “buyer’s remorse” dissolved by love and members of his families cradled together in one of the fine homes that go with the job. But mostly, he’ll be relishing some informal paternal leave because he will – for a time – escape his problems.

For a man who has spent most of his life trying to evade his enemies, the festive season offers the hope that tempers will cool and crises will blow over. They won’t.

As a strategy, it is all he has got, which is not a great comfort to him or his party. Indeed, he should count himself fortunate if he makes it to the new year without being forced to tender his resignation. Usually he can’t get past lunchtime without some fresh scandal enveloping his premiership.

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