Letter: Wrong school for scandal

Huw Jones
Saturday 01 August 1992 23:02 BST

YOUR article raises more questions than it answers. My son attends Queen Elizabeth Boys' School, and my wife teaches in, I taught in and my daughter attends non-grant-maintained schools in Barnet.

You do not compare the former's record on official 'permanent exclusions' and 'persuaded departures' with the latter's, where I know of many similar departures of pupils. You should be asking: is there a significant difference in exclusions from QEBS since it opted out?

I voted against the opt-out, due to my worries about teacher insularity, funding for large projects and the general unfairness of unequal funding. I sent my son to QEBS because of the quality of its standards: similar to those we have found in my daughter's and my wife's schools.

Huw Jones

London N3

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