Boris Johnson’s dismissive comments on the fuel crisis are a new low

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Wednesday 29 September 2021 16:35 BST
Boris Johnson’s comments on the fuel crisis have gone down like a lead balloon in some quarters
Boris Johnson’s comments on the fuel crisis have gone down like a lead balloon in some quarters (AP)

On BBC Radio 4, I heard harrowing accounts from people struggling to get relatives to essential chemo appointments, struggling to get vulnerable children to hospital and struggling to provide essential care for others, because they could not buy petrol.

Boris Johnson has responded to the fuel crisis by saying: “I want to say first of all how much I sympathise with people who’ve been worried about their journeys, worried about whether they’ll be able to use their cars in the normal way to see their loved ones or whatever it is.”

Our PM seems to think the world is a giddy social whirl, but people aren’t wanting petrol to gallivant around seeing “their loved ones or whatever it is”. They are trying to keep people well and to save lives.

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