She’s no longer in No 10, but we haven’t seen the last of Theresa May

There’s reason to believe she may end up as Britain’s greatest ex-prime minister

Sean O'Grady
Wednesday 24 July 2019 14:32 BST
Theresa May's key moments as Prime Minister

Though history may well treat her more kindly, Theresa May seems, for now, destined to be written off as one of Britain’s very worst prime ministers.

She is, as we see, the universal scapegoat for the failures of Brexit. She had, as the popular phrase goes, “one job” (ie deliver Britain out of the EU) and she botched it. Her critics, opponents and enemies on every side of politics and in every part of the kingdom, after a few courtesies, are kicking her when she’s down.

Still, there is reason to believe that she may end up as Britain’s greatest ex-prime minister. Despite her well-known type-1 diabetes, she is hardly past it at 62 years of age. If the past few years prove anything it is that she possesses a rare fortitude, stamina and strength of character often lacking in those who have tormented her for too long. Some of them are not fit to lick her kitten heels, you might say.

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