The Top 10: Worst Conjunctions of Book Title and Author

Sometimes publishers fail to notice how the covers or spines of their books might look

John Rentoul
Saturday 02 February 2019 11:04 GMT
Warning: do not eat Nigella Lawson
Warning: do not eat Nigella Lawson (BBC)

This list was suggested by Judith Gardiner, who started with the first, a double nomination.

1. You Are My God, David Watson. And another: The Courage to Be Paul Tillich.

2. Name Your Child Eric Partridge. Thanks to Aaron Bell and Craig Deeley.

3. How to Eat Nigella Lawson. From Gary Delaney and Tom Hamilton. Similarly, How to Cook Delia Smith, said Ben Kentish.

4. Lister The Paintings of Samuel Palmer. “It’s not actually just a list,” said Mary Elwin.

5. Slaughter Living Things. Biology textbook nominated by Andrew Pesterfield and Alastair Douglas.

6. Keep the Aspidistra Flying, George Orwell. Thanks to David Lister.

7. Fall Out, Tim Shipman. From Jonathan Isaby.

8. Revelation Boring (Eugene Boring, commentary on Revelation). Nominated by Paul Child.

9. How to be a Victorian Ruth Goodman. Thanks to Estelle.

10. Why Do People Suffer James Jones. More theology from the former Bishop of Liverpool, from Andrew Graystone.

Fortunately, there was no one trying to get into the “there’s always one” category by nominating Jon Davis and John Rentoul, Heroes or Villains?, our book reassessing the Blair government which is to be published next month.

Next week: Back-formations, such as “reminisce”, verb, which was created out of “reminiscence”, noun

Coming soon: Songs by bands about being in a band, such as “Sultans of Swing”, by Dire Straits

Your suggestions please, and ideas for future Top 10s, to me on Twitter, or by email to

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