In a sea of Trump-a-likes, Sadiq Khan is starting to look like our prime minister in waiting

He's the only one with the guts to stand up to the US president – and to have emerged untarnished from this Brexit mess

Matthew Norman
Wednesday 05 June 2019 11:29 BST
Sadiq Khan calls Donald Trump 'poster boy of far right'

At today’s Downing Street lunch, I read, the pudding will be Eton Mess. Hats off to the No 10 catering manager for the ironic wit. We’ve been dining exclusively on the Eton mess bequeathed us by David Cameron for three years.

If the Tory leadership favourite lands the odds, we’ll be force fed more for a while to come. The entire country is quagmired in an Eton mess. It still isn’t known whether President Donald J Bonespurs, joining us in his official role as Draft Dodger-In-Chief to mark D Day’s 75th anniversary, will anoint Boris Johnson as his chosen successor to Theresa May in person.

But while the erstwhile London Mayor distracts himself from the anxious wait for an audience, it is the incumbent who has stolen the show. If Sadiq Khan’s re-election next year looked likely before his latest spat with the creature from the orange lagoon, it is guaranteed after it – assuming he isn’t diverted towards an even larger job. The current Labour leader, meanwhile, is off to Trafalgar Square to address an anti-Trump demo. Like Trump, Jeremy Corbyn is only fully at ease preaching old sermons to the choir.

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