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Sidney Poitier news: Barack Obama and Halle Berry lead tributes after Oscar-winning actor dies 94

Actor has died aged 94

Annabel Nugent
Saturday 08 January 2022 12:55 GMT
Sidney Poitier wins Best Actor award in 1964 Oscars

Tributes have begun pouring in for Sidney Poitier who has died aged 94.

The Bahamian-American actor – best known for his films Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner and In the Heat of the Night – was the first Black man to win an Oscar for Best Actor.

Poitier took home the prize for his role as Homer Smith in the 1963 drama Lilies of the Field.

Following the news of his death, which was announced by the Bahamian Minister of Foreign Affairs Fred Mitchell, fans and fellow stars have begun remembering Poitier on social media.

The Independent’s Geoffrey Macnab paid tribute to Poitier, a singular actor whose profound influence and legacy will be everlasting.


Lupita Nyong’o remembers Poitier as ‘my hero'

Academy Award-winner Lupita Nyong’o has paid tribute to Poitier, “my hero”.

The Kenyan-Mexican actor of Us and Twelves Years a Slave shared four photographs of the late actor on social media, accompanied by the caption: “Sidney Poitier, my hero. A life so well lived.”

Annabel Nugent7 January 2022 21:30

Hilary Clinton pays tribute to Sidney Poitier

Hilary Clinton has remembered Poitier with a post on social media.

“We were all so lucky to share a culture with Sidney Poitier, and benefit from his hand in shaping it,” wrote the former US secretary of state on Twitter.

Annabel Nugent7 January 2022 21:45

Halle Berry remembers her ‘decades of friendship’ with Sidney Poitier

Halle Berry has penned an emotional tribute remembering “my dear Sidney”.

The Monster’s Ball star wrote on Twitter: “‘A tiny bit of myself is lost when my friends are gone,’ Sidney Poitier wrote in his book LIFE BEYOND MEASURE. My dear Sidney, an enormous part of my soul weeps at your passing.

“In your ninety-four years on this planet, you left an indelible mark with your extraordinary talent, paving the way for Black people to be seen and heard in the fullness of who we are.”

Berry continued: “You were an iconic trailblazer; yours was a life well lived. I grew up idolizing [sic] you and will always remember the day when I first met you. It is the only time in my life when I’ve been rendered speechless!”

The actor became the first Black woman to win an Oscar for Best Actress in 2002. At the same ceremony, Poitier was given an Honorary Award, presented to him on the night by Denzel Washington.

Annabel Nugent7 January 2022 22:00

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