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UK snow: Live updates as severe weather causes travel chaos across Britain

Flights grounded at airports, drivers stranded and hundreds of schools to shut as parts of Britain covered by up to 32cm of snow

Chris Baynes,Caroline Mortimer
Sunday 10 December 2017 12:43 GMT
Scenes of December snow from around the UK

Heavy snowfall is causing widespread disruption across swathes of the UK, with roads closed and two airports grounding flights.

Luton and Birmingham airports suspended all flights as they cleared snow from their runways after severe weather hit Britain on Sunday.

Up to 20cm (eight inches) of snow was forecast to fall on some parts of north Wales and central England as temperatures plummet in the wake of Storm Caroline.

The Met Office issued an Amber warning for large parts of the country and warned rural communities could be cut off as roads become hazardous.

A north-bound section of the M1 has been closed in Leicestershire due to numerous vehicles being stranded, with police forces warning motorists not to travel unless "absolutely necessary" as they deal with surging calls.

Persistent heavy snowfall was expected throughout the morning.


Adam Withnall11 December 2017 16:47
Adam Withnall11 December 2017 17:27

The Met Office has released its prediction for the week ahead. 

The good news is that it is likely to get slightly less cold as we go through the week. The bad news is that it is likely to became colder again as we head towards the weekend and there is another band of rain which is expected to sweep across the Ireland and the UK from the west.

Adam Withnall11 December 2017 17:50
Adam Withnall11 December 2017 18:50

Adam Withnall11 December 2017 19:47

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