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Brexit news: Britain raises terror threat to severe, and UK misses EU deadline

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Adam Forrest,Zoe Tidman
Tuesday 03 November 2020 21:29 GMT
UK raises terror threat level to ‘severe’ following attacks across Europe

The UK’s terrorism threat level has been raised to severe, meaning that an attack is judged to be highly likely.

The Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre (Jtac) made the assessment following a spate of attacks in France and the shooting rampage by an Isis supporter in Vienna.

Priti Patel, the UK home secretary, said it was a “precautionary measure” that was “not based on a specific threat”.

Meanwhile, Boris Johnson is facing further legal action from the EU after he missed a deadline to explain why he is planning to break international law over Northern Ireland.

Speaking on Tuesday, a European Commission spokesperson said: “We sent a letter of formal notice on 1 October to the UK for breaching its obligations under the withdrawal agreement. As you know it had until the end of the month to submit its observations to that letter.”

They added: "To date I can confirm that the EU has received no reply from the UK, therefore we are considering next steps, including issuing a reasoned opinion [of the European Court of Justice]."



In more news about impending Covid-19 restrictions, Stephen Barclay has rejected claims a circuit-breaker would have meant a shorter lockdown.

Watch his comments here:

Stephen Barclay rejects claims circuit-breaker would have meant a shorter lockdown
Zoe Tidman3 November 2020 19:40

Here’s Priti Patel on the terror threat level being raised to “severe” following attacks in Austria and France:

UK raises terror threat level to ‘severe’ following attacks across Europe
Zoe Tidman3 November 2020 20:00

Covid-19 warnings

Boris Johnson’s top medical and scientific advisers warned the government “virtually every day” since mid-September of the need for action to bring the number of coronavirus infections down, MPs heard today.

Full story below:

Advisers warned of need for action to stem coronavirus infections ‘virtually every day’

Elective operations already being cancelled and urgent care may soon be constrained, MPs hear

Zoe Tidman3 November 2020 20:26

US election

Attention is focused over the other side of the pond tonight, as the US presidential election plays out.

But what will the result of the election fought by Joe Biden and Donald Trump mean for the UK? 

Our policy correspondent Jon Stone takes a closer look:

What the Trump v Biden result could mean for Brexit

Analysis: A Joe Biden win could re-write the political rulebook around a US-UK trade deal, Jon Stone writes

Zoe Tidman3 November 2020 20:50

Threat level

Following the news the UK’s terror threat level has been raised to “severe”, Lizzie Dearden,  our home affairs and security correspondent, reminds us it was lowered around a year ago:

Zoe Tidman3 November 2020 21:09

If you missed it earlier, Lizzie Dearden reported on the UK terror threat change earlier today: 

UK terror threat level raised to ‘severe’ after attacks in France and Austria

New assessment finds that attacks are ‘highly likely’

Zoe Tidman3 November 2020 21:17

That’s all from us tonight. Thanks for following.

Zoe Tidman3 November 2020 21:18

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