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Theresa May cabinet says no-deal planning now government's 'operational priority'

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Benjamin Kentish
Political Correspondent
Tuesday 18 December 2018 16:45 GMT
Defence Secretary tells MPs 3,500 troops are on standby to help in event of no-deal Brexit

Theresa May’s cabinet has agreed to make planning for a no-deal Brexit the government’s “operational priority” after a lengthy meeting in which ministers clashed over what the next move should be.

A £2bn war chest set aside by Philip Hammond, the chancellor, will be spent on preparing the country to crash out of the EU, while businesses and citizens will also be instructed to make the necessary plans.

However, No 10 insisted the government’s “top priority” was securing support for Ms May‘s Brexit deal.

The prime minister's spokesperson said: "Cabinet agreed that with just over three months until we exit from the European Union we have now reached the point where we need to ramp up these preparations.

"Cabinet also agreed to recommend businesses now also ensure they are similarly prepared, enacting their own no-deal plans as they judge necessary.

"Citizens should also prepare in line with the technical notices issued in the summer and in line with further more detailed advice that will now be issued over coming weeks."

But during the cabinet meeting, Remain-backing ministers including Mr Hammond, work and pensions secretary Amber Rudd and justice secretary David Gauke highlighted the risks of a no-deal outcome and said claims it could be a success were a "unicorn" that needed to be "slayed".

Elsewhere, defence secretary Gavin Williamson said 3,500 troops were on standby to help handle the fallout of Britain crashing out of the EU without a deal.

As it happened...


Labour's no-confidence row rumbles on, as MPs complain to the Speaker that they have not been given time to debate the motion.

John Bercow gives this short shrift, telling Labour that they need to table a full motion of no confidence in the government if they want it to be debated in the Commons. 

Lizzy Buchan18 December 2018 14:41

Jeremy Corbyn has become "the midwife of Brexit" by refusing to call a full no-confidence vote in the government, Ian Blackford has said.

Speaking during an emergency debate, the SNP Westminster leader said: "The leader of the opposition has become the midwife for Brexit.

"The leader of the opposition is letting the government off the hook - he has it in his gift to bring a forward a no confidence motion that will test the will of the House and, crucially, will allow his party to move onto the issue of a People's Vote.

"Yesterday's stunt was an embarrassment. The SNP and others sought to amend his motion and I am asking him to do what he spectacularly failed to do yesterday and bring forward a motion of no confidence in the government."

Lizzy Buchan18 December 2018 14:55
Benjamin Kentish18 December 2018 15:19

Some 3,500 troops will be "held at readiness" to help with a no-deal Brexit, according to the Defence Secretary.

Gavin Williamson told MPs regulars and reservists will be available to support any government department with contingency plans.

His remarks came in the Commons after Tory MP Will Quince asked if there had been approaches from other government departments about using the UK's "world-class armed forces personnel in the event of a no-deal Brexit".

Mr Williamson replied: "We've as yet not had any formal request from any government department but what we are doing is putting contingency plans in place, and what we will do is have 3,500 service personnel held at readiness - including regulars and reserves - in order to support any government department on any contingencies they may need."

Lizzy Buchan18 December 2018 15:19
Lizzy Buchan18 December 2018 15:32

Labour has criticised the government's decision to spend billions of pounds on planning for a no-deal Brexit.

Jenny Chapman, the party's shadow Brexit minister, said:

"It is testament to the prime minister's failure in these negotiations that the government is now spending billions of pounds of taxpayers' money to prepare for a no-deal Brexit that is rejected by parliament and many of those sat around the cabinet table.

"A no-deal Brexit would be a disaster for jobs, the economy and the border in Northern Ireland. It is simply not a viable option.

"Labour will work across parliament to prevent no-deal and ensure the public don't pay the price for this government's failure."

Benjamin Kentish18 December 2018 15:53

Lib Dem leader Sir Vince Cable has accused the government of using the threat of a no-deal Brexit as "psychological warfare".

He said: 

"The decision to ramp up the no-deal pressure is psychological warfare. The Conservative government are attempting to scare MPs, businesses and the public with the threat of a no-deal.

Theresa May is irresponsibly trying to run down the clock so that the only option is to support her discredited deal.

It is time to stop playing political games with our future and take the issues at hand seriously. The only real way out of this deadlock is to hold a people’s vote, with the option to remain in the EU."

Benjamin Kentish18 December 2018 16:12

This is interesting from Tory backbencher Nick Boles, who has been leading calls for Theresa May to pivot to a Norway-style arrangement with the EU if her Brexit deal is voted down by MPs.

It comes after the cabinet agreed that planning for a no-deal Brexit should be its top 'operational priority'.

Benjamin Kentish18 December 2018 16:47

That's all for today's live coverage from Westminster - thanks for following.

Benjamin Kentish18 December 2018 17:09

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