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Tory leadership debate – live: Johnson refuses to say whether he would resign if Brexit deadline is missed as he flounders over US diplomatic row

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Lizzy Buchan
Political Correspondent
Tuesday 09 July 2019 17:40 BST
Conservative leadership debate: Jeremy Hunt asks Boris Johnson if he will resign if Brexit not delivered by October 31

Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt are going head-to-head in their only televised debate of the Tory leadership contest.

The two candidates to succeed Theresa May clashed after a day in which tensions between the UK and the US deepened following the leak of comments made by the British ambassador in Washington.

Earlier, MPs overwhelmingly backed moves to extend abortion and same-sex marriage to Northern Ireland, if power-sharing is not restored by October.

Meanwhile, Jeremy Corbyn told party members that Labour will back Remain in a new referendum over a no-deal Brexit or a Conservative agreement.

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