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Brexit news: Boris Johnson warned chancellor could join Tory rebellion to scupper his no-deal plans as Jeremy Hunt vows to rip up backstop

Live updates from Westminster, as they happened

Lizzy Buchan
Political Correspondent
Tuesday 02 July 2019 16:45 BST
What does a no-deal Brexit mean?

Boris Johnson has suffered a blow to his campaign for the Tory crown after party grandee William Hague backed his rival Jeremy Hunt.

The former Conservative leader warned that Mr Johnson's Brexit strategy could destroy the party, saying his pledge to leave the EU by 31 October on a "do or die" basis had cost him a vote, as 'do and then die' could very easily be the outcome".

Both Tory leadership hopefuls faced pressure over Brexit at a hustings in Belfast as the contest enters its final weeks.

To follow events as they unfolded, see our live coverage below

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