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UK travel news: Roads and trains face disruption on Easter weekend

Travellers should plan ahead, according to experts

Thursday 18 April 2019 18:05 BST
Euston station is shut during Easter weekend
Euston station is shut during Easter weekend (Getty Images)

The great Easter getaway began on Thursday 18 April, with disruption on the roads and rail lines.

Stations and routes were closed for the weekend, while 12 million road journeys were taken over the Easter period.

Extinction Rebellion protestors threatened to shut down Heathrow on Good Friday.


Passengers between South Wales and stations to London will spend 45 minutes on a bus between Bristol Parkway and Newport, adding an hour to journey times overall. 

On Easter Sunday, the main line from London to Devon and Cornwall will be closed between Westbury and Taunton, with trains diverted and journey times extended.

Trains between Manchester and Liverpool Lime Street will terminate at Hunt’s Cross on Easter Sunday, with buses completing the journey.

helen.coffey18 April 2019 16:31

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